The Eternal Quest is a unique ecosystem based on a literary story developed over 8 years and a treasure hunt to discover dozens of bitcoins and other secrets. This is just the beginning, with dozens of new features to come.
“The truth is within your reach.” – Nilus Mabel
StoryTreasureA protocol based on a fantastic story with numerous adventures in a sci-fi fantasy universe. Dive into this incredible, innovative, and captivating epic.
Each stage of the Protocol is built around a treasure hunt to discover a treasure worth several dozen bitcoins and other tokens.
The Protocol thrives with its community through thousands of quests, both directly linked to the story and puzzles hidden in the depths of the internet.
Explore and uncover the story of The Eternal Quest with its lore, universe, and numerous epic adventures that bring the Protocol to life through its engagement and community.
Embark on the treasure hunt to find the final treasure or the hundreds of other treasures hidden along the path to truth. Form teams or journey solo through this epic adventure.
Join a committed community involved in the development of the protocol, the evolution of the story, and the analysis of the treasure hunt and numerous community quests.
Since its inception 8 years ago, the Protocol has projected a long-term vision with over 10 years of literary works, several ancillary protocols, and thousands of quests and treasure hunts.
A grand treasure hunt
The greatest treasure hunt of our time has begun. With 10 to 100 bitcoins in the final treasure and thousands of other treasures to discover along the way.
A great literary story
A literary story set in a dense and complex universe. Several dozen literary works are already prepared to enrich the lore and maintain engagement and enthusiasm.
Community at the core
The protocol operates on 3 key elements based on the community: the story, the treasure hunt, and quests. You are central to all our decision-making processes.
Real utility of the Protocol
The protocol has been carefully designed over several years to provide real utility through its quests, merchandise, seasons, and upcoming and future innovations.
$TEQ is the parent protocol of several subsidiary protocols focusing on key themes: gaming, ecology, social, etc. To enhance the utility of our ecosystem.
A bridge between web3 and the real world
$TEQ is built to create a real bridge between web3 and the real world through its story, community, and numerous projects.
Through its universe, story, protocols, utility, and numerous treasures, The Eternal Quest offers you the greatest adventure of our time.